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Although the formal Project 61 closing ceremony concluded on 29th November 2022 there were still three remaining project deliverables to be conducted in Thailand;

A Laboratory Workshop on Chemical Detection Possibilities 1st and 2nd December 2022; delivered by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM);

A National Train the Trainer course between 6th and 7th December and a workshop on ‘The Response to Chemical Incidents’ held on 8th December, both delivered by the International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI). These events trained more than 70 delegates from security, fire and rescue and the military on CBRN response to chemical incidents.

Mr Balazs Maar, the EU CBRN CoE Representative for the SE Asia region closed the event, presenting certificates to the delegates.

Thailand Receives the Final P61 Delivery in the SE Asia Region

P61 Team Move on To Bali for further Training and the Project Closing Event

Between 21st – 25th November 2022, two Regional Train the Trainer courses were held in Bali with delegates travelling from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The first two days on trainer skills were held with all delegates together. The course then split with specific input and training practice provided on ‘Sound Management of Chemicals’, delivered by experts from the International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI), and ‘Recovery and Remediation’ delivered by experts from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). These two events provided delegates with the skills and experience to prepare and deliver training for their individual countries, ensuring sustainable delivery beyond the life of the P61 project, and provided an excellent opportunity to strengthen the regional network of trainers across South East Asia.

On Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th November 2022 the P61 Closing Event was held at the Holiday Inn, Bali Benoa hotel in Bali, Indonesia. The event marked the conclusion of the successful delivery of the EU Funded project - SEACHEM – Sound Management of Chemicals and their Associated Wastes in Southeast Asia (NO IFS/2017/385-130). National Focal Points from across the region were invited to attend, with all implementing partners represented. The opening remarks were provided by Mr. Raditya Eka Permana, Ministry of Industry, National Authority for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Indonesia, Mr. Balazs Maar, Regional Cooperation Officer for Southeast Asia (SEA), Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), Stability and Peace – Global and Transregional Threats, and Mr. Rolando Aquino, Alternate Head of the CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for SEA, Director of the Operational Readiness Assessment & Compliance Monitoring Service, Anti-Terrorism Council - Program Management Center (ATC-PMC), Office of the Executive Secretary of the Philippines. As well as presentations by the implementing partners, setting out their role in the successful delivery of the project, three of the local support team members (Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines) were also invited to provide the conference with their experience of working with the project team and assisting with the successful delivery of training and workshops as part of the scheduled delivery. Also, in the case of Cambodia, an excellent example of the delivery of self initiated national training was provided by Col. Dr. Chan Sovannary Sat, Deputy Director, Chemical Substance Control Department, National Authority for the Prohibition of Chemical, Nuclear, Biological and Radiological Weapons (NACW), Cambodia.

Following the closing event on 29th November, the final Steering Committee was held with the National Focal Points to confirm the approval and formal closure of Project 61, and a series of bilateral meetings were held at the request of individual NFPs to discuss the ongoing support for development, post project closure.

Final Round of P61 Delivery Commences in Brunei Darussalam

Between 7th and 23rd November 2022 members of the P61 team from SCJS, ISEMI, UKHSA and RIVM  delivered a series of training interventions, workshops and seminars, finalising the P61 delivery for Brunei Darussalam.

The itinerary composed of the following events.

7th – 12th November: SEACHEM Course

14th – 15th November: Train the Trainer Course (sensitisation and education campaigns)

14th – 16th November: Chemical Recovery and Remediation course

16th November: Responding to Chemical Incidents Workshop

17th November: Sound Management of Chemicals Seminar

21st – 23rd November: Laboratory Workshop

All events were held at the Defence Academy except for the Laboratory Workshop which was held at Dewan Al-Afiah, Ministry of Health (MOH).



The project is extremely grateful for the support from the Brunei National Focal Point, Haji Mohd Shafie bin Haji Jumatin in facilitating and supporting the successful delivery of the training and workshops.



Return to In Country Training After 2 Years

June 2022

With the easing of travel restrictions in many parts of the SE Asia region the project team have now recommenced the delivery of in person training with missions in the SEA region being delivered in May 2022 and further delivery planned throughout 2022. The project leader was joined by experts from ISEMI, UKHSA and RIVM to deliver several project activities to delegates from across the region. Full details of the missions can be found in the newsletter attached below.





Chemical Management and Waste Management Best Practice Manual and Legislative Guidelines Published by VERTIC

25th May 2022

P61 implementing partner VERTIC has recently released two publications as part of the EU funded P61 SEACHEM project. 

A Manual of Best Practice: A System of Chemicals Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction

"A Manual of Best Practice: A System of Chemicals Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction" has been prepared by VERTIC, together with Project 61's Partner Countries, under Work Package 1 of the project. The manual seeks to identify approaches and best practices in the control of chemicals by analysing regional efforts in both ASEAN and the EU. In particular, it includes a thorough analysis of the EU’s REACH system. On the basis of this analysis, the manual highlights a number of best practices that would be beneficial in establishing a suitable system for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals either at the national or regional level. 

Guidelines on legislative means to ensure safe and secure management of hazardous chemical waste

The "Guidelines on legislative means to ensure safe and secure management of hazardous chemical waste" have been prepared by VERTIC, together with Project 61's Partner Countries, under Work Package 1 of the project. The guidelines focus on the safe and secure management of hazardous chemical wastes and aim to be used as a basis for new or improved national directives in Project 61 Partner Countries. More specifically, they focus on the legislative means to strengthen hazardous chemical waste management, while acknowledging that other non-legal measures are needed. 


SEACHEM – The EU-funded Project relating to Chemical Safety and Security

Resumes Face to Face Delivery in Southeast Asia

6th May 2022


In the framework of the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

(CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative, the EU funded project entitled

“Sound management of chemicals and their associated wastes in Southeast Asia – SEACHEM”, which commenced in 2017 is resuming the face-to-face delivery of training, workshops, and conferences across the South East Asia region.


The CBRN CoE Project 61 aims to strengthen relevant national legal frameworks in relation to the sound management of chemicals and chemical waste. Since 2017 the project has worked to enhance each beneficiary country’s capacity for the prevention of chemical incidents, including safety and security aspects. Furthermore, it has endeavoured to develop the region’s capacity for mobile detection possibilities and chemical testing laboratories. Finally, measures to enhance the response capacity to chemical incidents at a regional level along with measures to enhance the region’s recovery capacity after a chemical incident are also being developed.


The CBRN CoE P61 Consortium partners include the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA), previously known as Public Health England (PHE), the international Verification Research, Training, and Information Centre (VERTIC), Slovakia’s International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands.


In country delivery was suspended in 2020 following the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic. Due to the relaxation of travel restrictions in most parts of the region, throughout May and June 2022 several in country deliveries will now take place utilising a range of expertise provided by the project’s partner organisations. The events include two regional Train the Trainer courses to be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Following this a series of training courses and seminars will be held in Manilla, Philippines which includes National SEACHEM training for the Philippines, a Recovery and Remediation course, a workshop on ‘Responding to Chemical Incidents’ and a seminar on the ‘Sound Management of Chemicals’. In total, during this period, over 200 delegates from Cambodia, Viet Nam, Lao PDR and the Philippines will be engaged with Project 61 delivery activities

Further updates on the progress of the regional interventions will follow.



P61 Regional Train the Trainer SEACHEM Workshops Online for Cambodia and Lao PDR

Conducted between 9th November and 7th December 2021   

As part of Work Package 4 of EU CBRN CoE Project 61, online Regional Train the Trainer (TtT) workshops on Sound Management of chemicals and their associated wastes for Cambodia and Lao PDR were conducted between 9th November and 7th December 2021 as first part of TtT for future trainers. Regional TtT SEACHEM workshops were originally intended to be conducted in-person. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,  the training materials were  adapted for remote delivery. The five separate sessions of the workshop were delivered via the Webex platform by International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) and the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England).

Workshop content was developed for the following topics: Potential chemical threats and hazards, chemical management and chemical risk assessment, Chemical waste and chemical emergencies, Chemical transport, Detection of chemical agents and Personal Protective Equipment, Decontamination of chemical agents and Multiagency response to chemical incidents.  During every session one main topic was presented by consortium experts and were  combined with interactive exercises to test learning and assist delegates to further understand the potential challenges for both Lao PDR and Cambodia. All participants were very engaged  and provided their answers, opinions and the Lao PDR and Cambodia country perspective  to all interactive activities.

The online format was able to achieve all of the expected objectives of this Regional TTT SEACHEM Workshop. The P61 Regional TTT SEACHEM Workshop in Hanoi in Viet Nam is scheduled for delivery between the 25th and 29th of April 2022.

Regional Train the Trainer Workshops - Lao PDR
27th October 2021

Following the Steering Committee Meeting on the 24th September 2021 a proposed series of remote online deliveries has been agreed to support colleagues in Lao PDR. The proposed schedule is detailed as follows.

09.11.2021 - Module 1 - Potential chemical threats and hazards, chemical management and chemical risk assessment.
16.11.2021 - Module 2 - Chemical Waste & Chemical Emergencies.
23.11.2021 - Module 3 - Chemical Transport.
30.11.2021 - Module 4 - Detection & Personal Protective Equipment.
07.12.2021 - Module 5 - Decontamination & Multiagency Response to Chemical Incidents.


Refresher Training Planning
11th February 2021

Following the success of the first regional 'train the trainer' coordination meeting, plans are well underway to deliver further refresher training. Focussing on personal protective equipment, the input is scheduled for the 25th February at 09:00 CET, 14:30 Myanmar and 15:00 Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam.

CBRN CoE Project 61 Train the Trainer coordination meeting
26th November 2020
P61 TTT photo.jpg

Project 61 experts held a zoom call with four Partner Countries in order to discuss completion of the Train the Trainer activities.

Delegates from Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam joined a zoom meeting with P61 Team Leader Andrew Proudlove from SCJS in the UK, and Dr Marian Kolencik and Ľuboš Trudič from International Security and Emergency Management Institute in Slovakia.

The meeting included a presentation by Mr Trudic on the P61 SEACHEM TTT objectives, schedule and requirements. There was also a discussion about the National SEACHEM / TTT knowledge refreshment plan, because of delays resulting from COVID-19. This will take place online at the start of 2021, covering detection and decontamination, personal protection equipment and multiagency response to chemical incidents.

Despite disruption as a result of COVID-19, Project 61 is aiming to finish delivery of its training schedule in 2021. 

Study Visit Video

28 Jul 2020

Last year ISEMI hosted a study visit in Bratislava and the Czech Republic. Key stakeholders from South East Asia attended and this recent video production by them, highlights some of the activities that were conducted during this time.

COVID-19 Impact

23 Mar 2020

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that all project activity has been temporarily postponed until such times as travel restrictions and associated limitations, allow for in country missions to be resumed. In the meantime the project team remain in regular contact with key stakeholders and are discussing alternative methods of working with partner countries and supporting project objectives. 

P61 Malaysia National Training Delivered

31 Jan 2020

Over 170 Malaysian nationals from a range of professional backgrounds attended specialist training in chemical safety workshops funded by the European Union.

The training was delivered by Project 61, within the framework of the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative (CoE). Some of which will be trained as trainers in order to spread best practice further around the country.

The workshops were held at the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department Headquarters located in Putrajaya, around 24km from Kuala Lumpur, between 20th - 31st January 2020.


Issues covered included dealing with chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification, CBRN terrorism and chemical risk management.

P61 visits Myanmar

24 Jan 2020

Between 13th – 24th January 2020 Project 61 delivered a series of workshops and seminars in Yangon, Myanmar. Chemical safety best practice was shared with around 170 Myanmar nationals from a range of professional backgrounds. Some of these were be trained as trainers in order to spread best practice further around the country, and full simultaneous translation was provided to ensure delegates were able to learn as effectively as possible.

As with other National Training, the workshops included topics such as dealing with chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification, CBRN terrorism and chemical risk management.


The courses were delivered by experts from Public Health England (PHE), the International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) of Slovakia, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM), and the European non-profit organisation Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions.

P61 Steering Committee Meeting held in Jakarta

15 Dec 2019

National Focal Points and representatives from all 10 P61 Partner Countries assembled in Jakarta on the 13th December for the third Steering Committee Meeting.

Also in attendance was Ms Silvia Bottone, Programme Manager for South East Asia, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), European Commission, and Mr Florentino MANALASTAS, Jr. Head of Secretariat for South East Asia. Officer-in-Charge (Manila) Anti-Terrorism Council Program Management Center, Office of the Executive Secretary of the Philippines.

Andrew Proudlove, P61 Team Leader, gave a presentation and general report on activities during the last 6 months, before meeting wide discussions about Work Package proposals for the remainder of the Project. Bilateral meetings with all Partner Countries were then held for the remainder of the day.

P61 Cambodian National Training successfully completed

28 Nov 2019

P61 received a warm welcome in Cambodia, delivering their latest round of National Training between the 18th - 28 November 2019. As with other National Training events, government officials were trained in chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification and chemical risk management among other topics. A select group of participants has also been trained as trainers and should be multiplier of good practices throughout the country.


The Delegation of the European Union to Cambodia expressed its appreciation for the interest of the Cambodian government to improve chemical safety and security in Cambodia and beyond further. With agriculture and the garment industry using a significant quantity of chemicals in Cambodia, the government is well aware of the importance of chemicals and their proper handling.

The Cambodia's National Authority for the Prohibition of CBRN Weapons (NACW) hosts the National CBRN Focal Point of Cambodia, and coordinates the activities with the EU CBRN CoE Project 61 entitled Sound Management of Chemicals and their Associated Wastes in South East Asia (SEACHEM).

The successful training missions was also covered in the Cambodian press: 

P61 National Training in Indonesia

17 Nov 2019

P61 was in Jakarta between the 4th – 15th November 2019 delivering National Training to more than 170 Indonesian government officials. Experts from Public Health England (PHE), the International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI) of Slovakia, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM), and the European non-profit organisation Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions led a series of workshops and seminars dealing with chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification and chemical risk management among other topics.


The EU Ambassador to Indonesia, H. E. Vincent Piket, lauded the increased engagement of Indonesia in the CBRN CoE in his speech at the training series. He stressed the importance of CBRN risk mitigation, including preparedness and response, because the wide spectrum "can reach from a tsunami hitting chemical facilities up to bombs filled with explosive and poisonous chemicals".

Second National Training delivered

03 Oct 2019

P61 visited Vientiane, the capital of Laos PDR, at the end of September for the second set of National Training courses. Best practice and specialist knowledge in chemical safety with over 170 Laos nationals from a range of professional backgrounds. Some of these were be trained as trainers in order to spread best practice further around the country, and full simultaneous translation was provided to ensure delegates were able to learn as effectively as possible.

As with other National Training, the workshops included topics such as dealing with chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification, CBRN terrorism and chemical risk management.

P61 October Newsletter

30 Sep 2019

Written as the P61 National Training starts, this newsletter reviews the latest project developments.

P61 Viet Nam National Training successfully completed

19 Sep 2019

P61 has just completed a series of training courses in Hanoi, sharing best practice and specialist knowledge in chemical safety with over 170 Vietnamese nationals from a range of professional backgrounds. Some of these were trained as trainers in order to spread best practice further around the country.

Delivered by Project 61, within the framework of the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Risk Mitigation Initiative (CBRN CoE), this training will be replicated in 8 other countries across South East Asia over the next 6 months. Additional laboratory training will also start soon.

The workshops will include issues such as dealing with chemical decontamination, chemical recovery and remediation, sampling and identification, CBRN terrorism and chemical risk management. They were delivered by experts from Public Health England (PHE) and the International Security and Emergency Management Institute in Slovakia (ISEMI).


The project is now heading to Laos PDR where the National Training will be replicated.

P61 Laboratory training teams up with CBRN partners in Singapore

21 Jul 2019

Project 61 continued its round of regional training workshops recently, with 16 delegates from 8 Southeast Asian partner countries attending a five-day workshop on sampling, detection, identification and quantification of high-risk chemicals.

The week was formally opened by Ms. Sng Mui Tiang, Director, Defence Medical & Environmental Research Institute, DSO National Laboratories of Singapore, and Mr. Balazs Ujvari, Political Officer, Political, Press and Information Section, Delegation of the European Union to Singapore, on Monday, July 15, 2019.

Held in DSO National Laboratories of Singapore, the workshop was designed to improve laboratories standards and techniques, to develop chemical detection abilities, and to help to develop a network of chemical laboratory experts across the participating countries. It was led by expert trainers from National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

The last day of the workshop was held at Agilent Technologies, where delegates had an additional laboratory tour and spent more time with hand held detection equipment. 

The regional workshops are components of the CBRN CoE Project 61, SEACHEM, and will be followed up by national workshops in the near future, with delegates from this course trained up in order to build further capacity in their own countries.

Ir André van Esburg, lead RIVM trainer on the course, commented: ‘We had a very engaged and enthusiastic group of delegates and had a very successful week. I’m extremely grateful to DSO Laboratories for hosting us, and to Agilent Technologies for the lab tour.

P61 Regional Training goes down well in Vientiane

11 Jul 2019

Between the 2nd and 10th July , 80 delegates from 9 Southeast Asian countries attended a series of regional workshops in the Laos Capital, Vientiane, gaining valuable expertise in a range of chemical management issues.


Delivered by experts from Public Health England and legal group the Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC), the workshops covered the following topics: International Legal Frameworks for Chemicals, Cross Border Chemical Incident Management, developing National Chemical Risk Assessments, and National Recovery and Remediation for Chemical Incidents.

The regional workshops are components of the CBRN CoE Project 61, SEACHEM, and will be followed up by national workshops in the near future. The project is implemented in close collaboration with the CBRN CoE National Focal Points of Lao PDR, Mr. Phouthanouthong Xaysombath, Director of the Local and Domestic Cooperation Division, Department of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ms. Viengsavanh Bouttanavong, Deputy Director of the International Organisations Division at the same department.

Professor Raquel Duarte-Davidson, lead expert at the event said: ‘We were really pleased with the engagement from delegates who were keen to learn and get the most out of these workshops. We’re also grateful for the good feedback we have received, and look forward to continuing this work with the national training workshops which start in the Autumn.’

Covering 10 countries in South East Asia, the purpose of Project 61 is to address any outstanding chemical safety and security issues in areas of legislation/regulation, prevention, detection, preparedness and response. The project will enhance the sound management of chemicals and their wastes, taking emerging chemical issues into account, and sits within the framework of the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Risk Mitigation Initiative (CBRN CoE).

Project 61 June 2019 Newsletter

16 Jun 2019

After a great deal of preparation, including fact finding visits to all 10 Partner countries, the P61 programme of workshops is about to begin. This newsletter contains an update on upcoming workshops as well as the recent Study Visit to Europe.

To download the full newsletter please click here

Project 61 Steering Committee Meeting

11 Jun 2019

Members of the P61 consortium and National Focal Point representatives from Partner Countries gathered in Brussels on the 11th June to attend the second P61 Steering Committee Meeting.

The meeting started with a presentation from P61 Team Leader Andrew Proudlove, followed by updates from Key Experts about individual Work Packages. After questions and discussion the bilateral meetings were held with each Partner Country to check progress and ensure that the project is being tailored to their needs.

P61 SEACHEM Study Visitors discuss chemical accident response with Czech and Slovak Emergency Response Counterparts

09 Jun 2019

Experts from 9 South East Asian countries visited the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in early June to study chemical accident response management.

They visited the Population Protection Institute in the Czech Republic and heard from experts from the Czech Ministry of the Interior, the Fire and Rescue Service, the National Institute for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection, and the Czech Police CBRN Unit, with demonstrations of key equipment and procedures.

They then spent time with the Slovak Fire Brigade in Malacky, just outside Bratislava in the Slovak Republic, learning more about approaches to coordinating emergency services response to chemical incidents. The visit was organised by the International Security and Emergency Management Institute (ISEMI), based in Slovakia, and UK based Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions (SCJS), as part of the EU funded Project 61.

Expert advice such as this is key to the EU funded Project 61, which aims to help 10 countries across Southeast Asia address any outstanding chemical safety and security issues in areas of legislation, regulation, prevention, detection, preparedness and response.

Study Visit delegate, Dr Irma R. Makalinao, from University of the Philippines College of Medicine, said: 'The visit to the Population Protection Institute was well received by all the participants from different backgrounds and expertise in the spectrum of chemical safety and security. The presentation by the fire service, police CBRN protection unit were very helpful. We had a lively and useful discussion and exchanges of views highlighting the fact that, despite the diversity of our backgrounds, one sees a common desire to ensure a world that is safer and more secure from high risk chemicals. We certainly thank the EU Project 61 Consortium for arranging this interesting trip.'

EU CBRN Centres of Excellence – Biosafety Association of Central Asia and the Caucasus CONFERENCE

18 Mar 2019

The European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk-mitigating Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE) and the Biosafety Association of Central Asia and the Caucuses (BACAC) conference “BACAC: Bridging the Gaps” was conducted between the11-15 March 2019, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Over 170 participants took part in the meeting from Central Asia, the Caucuses, Eastern and Western Europe, United States of America, and various international organization (WHO, OIE, IFBA, EBSA, UNICRI, UNOG, ISTC and STCU).

The overall aim of the conference was to support cooperation and coordination at a regional and international level and to stimulate discussions on strengthening policies, capabilities and capacities to mitigate Biosafety and Biosecurity risks.

Adrian Kingswell, Programme Manager from Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions (SCJS), gave a presentation outlining the structure and proposed activities supporting the delivery of Project 61.

Project 61 February 2019 Newletter

28 Feb 2019

Last year was a busy, productive and successful one. Missions, meetings and engagement with national teams in all 10 ASEAN countries have provided a solid platform that has informed future project activity and set the team up nicely for work in 2019 and beyond. Although this newsletter covers the last year, as the project gathers pace and begins to deliver training and awareness-raising across the South East Asia region, future newsletters will be published more often.

To download the full newsletter please click here

Project 61 First Annual Steering Committee

14 Dec 2018

Friday 14th December 2018 saw our experts and delegates attend the First Annual Steering Committee in Vientiane, Laos. 

Fact Finding Visits to Vietnam and Indonesia

12 Nov 2018

12 - 16 November 2018 our team of experts visited Vietnam and Indonesia to met and establish working relationships with National representatives to discuss each Partner Country’s needs and visit sites of interest in the management of chemicals and chemical waste.

Project Director, Nick Apps, has the pleasure of meeting Head of Regional Secretariat, Major General Danilo SERVANDO (ret.)

09 May 2018

Fact Finding Mission - Thailand and the Philippines

06 May 2018

Bi Annual News Letter

28 Feb 2018

Fact Finding Mission - Myanmar and Cambodia

15 Jan 2018

15th - 19th January our team of experts visit Myanmar and Cambodia.

The second of our Fact-Finding Visits (FFV) is underway. Over the next 7 days, the P61 team of experts will visit Myanmar and Cambodia. During these visits, the team will meet and establish a working relationship with National representatives to discuss each Partner Country’s needs and hopefully visit sites of interest in the management of chemicals and chemical waste.

Fact Finding Visits Commence

20 Nov 2017

The first of our Fact-Finding Visits (FFV) is underway. It will encompass Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore. During these visits, the P61 team of experts will meet and establish a working relationship with National representatives to discuss each Partner Country’s needs and hopefully visit sites of interest in the management of chemicals and chemical waste.

Meeting with CBRN CoE SEA Management Team

08 Nov 2017

Present: Left to Right - Silvia BOTTONE (DEVCO project officer), Robert FRANK (EUDEL Manila), Major General Danilo SERVANDO (ret.) (Head of Regional Secretariat), Gen Ke DA (National Focal Point, Cambodia and Deputy Head of Regional Secretariat). Harro WITTERMANS (regional Secretariat Manila), Andrew PROUDLOVE (Team Leader)

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